The Small Business Development Grant is an opportunity for members of the Scarborough Community Chamber to get assistance to help with building their business. Below are some areas of assistance that would apply.
Areas of Assistance
Networks: A strong network is required
- A portion of the first-year dues to Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce / Scarborough Community Chamber.
Legal Entity:
- Attorney fees to establish an LLC.
- Business license.
Required Permits:
- Sign permit.
- Building permit.
General Operations: The heart of your business value
- Software required to run the business.
- Tools required to run the business.
Training: The knowledge, or certification required
- Continuing education units.
- Expenses required to acquire appropriate certifications.
Taxes & Fees:
- Excise tax
Grant Quick Facts
- The maximum grant amount awarded per individual is $500.
- Applications may be submitted online or mailed to:
- Scarborough Community Chamber of Commerce
- 360 US Route 1, Suite 204
- Willowdale Place
- Scarborough, ME 04074
Please contact the Grant Committee at
Small Business Grant Application